How many GM Crops Cultivation are allowed in India

Cultivation of GM Crops in India

Bt cotton is the only GM crops Cultivation that has been approved for commercial cultivation in 2002 by the Government of India. Long term studies were conducted by ICAR on the impact of Bt cotton which did not show any adverse effect on soil, microflora and animal health.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests, submitted a report on ‘Genetically modified crops and its impact on environment’ to Parliament on August 25, 2017.

The report recommended that GM crops should be introduced in the country only after critical scientific evaluation of its benefit and safety, and also recommended restructuring of the regulatory framework for unbiased assessment of GM crops.

Bt Cotton

In 2002 approval for the commercial release of Bt cotton hybrids/ varieties resistant to cotton bollworm was given by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC).

The Herbicide Tolerant Bt (HTBt) cotton is another variant of Bt cotton. This variant adds another layer of modification, making the plant resistant to the herbicide glyphosate. However, it has not been approved by regulators.

  • Fears include glyphosate having a carcinogenic effect, as well as the unchecked spread of herbicide resistance to nearby plants through pollination, creating a variety of superweeds.

Also, Bt cotton has little effect on cotton yield, and although it may have led to an initial reduction in insecticide use, this effect is now diminishing due to insecticide resistance in insect populations.

Bt Brinjal

Bt Brinjal resistant to brinjal shoot fly was approved by GEAC in 2009 but due to a 10

years moratorium imposed on GM crops by the Technical Expert Committee (TEC) appointed by the Supreme Court of India, no further action on commercialization has been taken.

In 2020, the GEAC has again allowed biosafety research field trials of two new transgenic varieties of indigenously developed Bt Brinjal in eight states (during 2020 23).

  • This has been allowed only after taking no-objection certificate (NOC) from states concerned and confirmation of availability of isolated stretch of land for this purpose.

These indigenous transgenic varieties of brinjal hybrids – namely Janak and BSS-793,

containing Bt Cry1Fa1 gene (Event 142) – have been developed by the National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, ICAR.

Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11 (DMH-11)

The GEAC has in 2022 approved the environmental release of Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11 (DMH-11), a genetically-engineered variant of mustard.

If approved for commercial cultivation it would be the first genetically modified food crop available to Indian farmers.

What is DMH-11?

DMH-11 is a hybrid variant of mustard developed by researchers at The Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants, University of Delhi.

DMH-11 (where 11 refers to the number of generations after which desirable traits manifest) is a result of a cross between two varieties: Varuna and Early Heera-2.

This cross was done after introducing genes from two soil bacterium called barnase and barstar.

Barnase in Varuna induces a temporary sterility because of which it can’t naturally selfpollinate. Barstar in Heera blocks the effect of barnase allowing seeds to be produced. The result is DMH-11 that not only has better yield but is also fertile.

Are hybrid mustard varieties better?

Trials conducted over three years by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) suggest that DMH-11 has 28% higher yields than its parent Varuna and was 37% better than local varieties.

DMH-11 signals the proof of success of the barnase-barstar system that can act as a

platform technology to develop newer hybrids.

Having better hybrids is necessary to meet India’s rising edible-oil import bill.


  • Use of genes that are foreign to the species.
  • Preparation of mustard hybrids requires the use of another gene, called the bar gene, that makes it tolerant to a herbicide called glufosinate-ammonium.
  • GM mustard plants may dissuade bees from pollinating the plant.

What next for GM mustard?

  • In 2017 too, GEAC had cleared the environmental release of GM mustard but the process stalled after a case was lodged in the Supreme Court.
  • The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has not officially supported GM mustard despite the GEAC being a body under it.
  • The GEAC go-ahead only allows DMH-11 to be grown in fields under the supervision of the ICAR.
  • The crop would be commercially available after “three seasons” now that they can be
  • grown in large quantities for evaluation.

Also Read:
Therapeutic Cloning Concepts, Procedure, Advantages and Disadvantages

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